How Does CBD Support Weight Loss?
Compared with THC, which is often used to stimulate appetite, CBD seems to have the opposite effect. In a study comparing three cannabinoids, CBD was shown to reduce total food consumption in rats. [2]
In addition, a study published in the May 2016 issue of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistryfound that CBD plays a powerful role in a process called “fat browning.” Researchers studied the effects of CBD on preadipocytes, or immature fat cells. The goal of the study was to explore CBD’s potential in treating and preventing obesity.

Researchers concluded that CBD assists with:

Stimulating fat genes and proteins that encourage the breakdown and oxidation of fat.

Boosting the number and the activity level of mitochondria in the body’s cells. This, in turn, is theorized to help the body burn more calories.

Decreasing the expression of proteins involved in lipogenesis, or the generation of fat cells.

These findings are a collective result of CBD’s ability to induce fat browning, the process of converting white-colored fat tissue (WAT-white adipose tissue) into beige-colored fat tissue (BAT-brown and beige adipose tissue). While white-colored fat is known to store energy, beige-colored fat burns it. [3]
Dr. Allan Frankel, a renowned internist based in Los Angeles, has studied CBD’s powerful medicinal effects for nearly two decades. He currently runs GreenBridge Medical, which he founded in 2006, and he prescribes only his self-formulated CBD/THC oils.
Frankel developed 10 formulas for his patients, all with varying amounts of CBD and THC. The No. 1 oil is almost all CBD, while No. 10 is almost all THC. No. 5 oil is half of each cannabinoid.
His theory is that CBD is an essential nutrient, just like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. So, when there’s a CBD deficiency, people get sick. When asked if there was any case in which CBD should not be used, he replied succinctly:

“No. It protects your brain and your heart, helps you control your weight, and at the same time calms you down. CBD is awesome nutrition.” [4]

How to Dose CBD for Weight Loss

When it comes to dosing CBD, there is no one-size-fits-all. This is because every person’s body is unique and will respond to CBD differently, depending on current health status, drug interactions, etc. For example, some people find that a dosage as small as five milligrams per day works wonders, while others need 50 milligrams or more.
RELATED: What’s The Right CBD Dosage?

That being said, there are a few guidelines when it comes to finding the correct dosage of CBD for your body:

Consult with your doctor first: Especially if you’re on chronic medication, do not start with CBD products straight away. Due to the way CBD is metabolized, it could interfere with your medication and your doctor may have to adjust the dosage. Also read here about CBD oil and drug interactions.

Start small. Begin with the smallest recommended dosage of whichever CBD product you choose, perhaps as little as five milligrams. Your body may be very depleted of cannabinoids, and supplementing with phytocannabinoids (derived from plants) may take some getting used to.

Maintain the dosage for a few days. As your body gets used to the nutrient, it’s important to maintain the initial dosage for three to five days. Even if you don’t feel the effects immediately, trust that the nutrient is working its magic.

Increase as necessary. If after a few days you don’t feel a change, try increasing your dosage slightly.

Repeat. Go through the process again. Maintain for a few days, then increase if the desired effects still are not felt.

Be Patient: Remember, it can take upwards of 30 days—or more in some cases—for CBD’s full range of effects to be felt. It’s important to be patient and understanding while your body processes this new nutrient and slowly heals.

RELATED: 5 Unique Facts About Cannabidiol and CBD Oil


CBD’s health benefits are completely natural and you receive the benefits at no harm to your body, unlike with other weight-loss solutions such as diet pills. In addition, you do not have to change your daily habits drastically for it to help.
However, it is recommended that you follow a healthy diet and get regular exercise so CBD can provide maximum results. Working from the inside out, though, CBD oil for weight loss is a fantastic supplement to your regimen.