According to the American College of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology, over 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year. An allergy is our immune system’s negative response to a substance that is foreign to the body.

A substance that causes an allergic reaction is called an allergen. Allergens can be found in food, drinks, or the environment. The symptoms that come from an allergic reaction often range in severity and can include sneezing, rashes, itching, watery eyes, sniffling, runny nose, hives, chest tightness, coughing and swelling of the lips, tongue, eyes or face.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to an allergen. Anaphylaxis causes your immune system to release a flood of chemicals that can cause you to go into shock and if it isn’t treated right away, it can be fatal.

Treatment for allergies include-prescribed medications, Saline nasal rinses, Corticosteroid creams, Immunotherapy and in severe Anaphylaxis cases Epinephrine injections. Medications used to treat allergies include Diphenhydramine, Chlorpheniramine, Cetirizine, Desloratadine, Fexofenadine, Beclomethasone, Budesonide, Fluticasone, Mometasone, Prednisolone and Methylprednisolone.

Each prescribed medication contains negative side effects that include dizziness, abdominal pain, constipation, blurred vision, involuntary facial movements, central nervous system depression, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle pain, fever, loss of appetite, insomnia, ear infection, respiratory difficulties, swollen glands, bruising, rectal bleeding, painful urination, nosebleeds, headache, skin rash, acne, and swelling of the ankles, hands and feet.

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound derived from the hemp plant known for its potential therapeutic effects. Studies show that CBD may help alleviate allergy symptoms without the negative side effects of prescribed medications.

Research has found that CBD may prevent mast cells from releasing histamines. Mast cells will produce histamines during inflammation or allergic reactions, which brings about the common allergy symptoms.

CBD is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties which can help during an allergic reaction by reducing swelling and irritation.

Our AHS 1500mg Tincture can be taken sublingually and is perfect for alleviating allergy symptoms. Always consult your primary care physician before starting a new treatment.

Our team of specialists are always available to provide you with education an assist you with any questions regarding CBD.