An estimated 1 in 4 dogs are affected by arthritis in the United States.The term “arthritis” is an umbrella term used to refer a group of over 100 diseases causing joint degeneration and pain. All forms of arthritis cause chronic inflammation of the joints, which causes pain and stiffness in the affected areas.Canine arthritis is characterized by limping, stiffness, slowness when getting up or laying down, reluctance to go on walks, reluctance or inability to jump, reduced mobility, excessive panting and sleeping more than usual.

Treatment for pets with arthritis include hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, steroid injections, surgery and prescribed medications. Most vets will prescribe your dog pain killers and/or anti-inflammatories to help combat the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Some of the most common medications prescribed to dogs with arthritis are Metacam and Rimadyl, two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Each prescribed medication contains negative side effects that include black or bloody stools, diarrhea, increased or decreasedactivity, seizures, aggression, skin irritation, stomach ulcers,weight loss, increased water consumption, changes to urine, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal pain, dehydration, liver damage, kidney damage and in some cases death.

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound derived from the hemp plant known for its potential therapeutic effects. Studies have shown that CBD may have powerful pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects, making it a very viable option for treating the symptoms of canine arthritis. When your pet uses CBD, it interacts with their endocannabinoid system (ECS).

All mammals have this system in their bodies, and it is predominantly made up of 2 types of cannabinoid receptors (known as CB1 and CB2). These receptors are found not only in the brain, but in other places within the body and by interacting with these receptors, the beneficial effects of CBD are produced. Numerous studies on CBD have shown that the compound may help reduce a wide variety of inflammation in organs like the pancreas, lungs,brain and most importantly, the joints.

There are a few CBD products that could help your canine companion with their arthritis. If the pain level is 1-5 small dogs can take Bailey’s 300mg Tincture and larger breeds can take Bailey’s 600mg Tincture.

If the pain level is 6-10 your pet can take our AHS 500mg Pet Tincture. CBD infused dog treats in 3-5 mg can also help with the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis.

Always consult your veterinarian before starting your furry friend on a new treatment.

Our team of specialists are always available to provide you with education and assist you with any questions regarding CBD.