CBD (Cannabidiol) is a chemical compound thought to possess therapeutic effects and is often used to help alleviate different types of pain. CBD suppositories are pill-sized and are intended to be inserted into the vagina or rectum to be dissolved.

Research shows that CBD suppositories may help improve a plethora of conditions and ailments. When CBD suppositories are inserted rectally it may improve symptoms of Hemorrhoid inflammation, Irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and different types of cancer such as rectal, prostate and colon cancer.

When CBD suppositories are inserted vaginally it may improve symptoms of severe period cramps, endometriosis, vaginal dryness, pelvic floor dysfunction and vaginal/cervical cancer. When CBD suppositories are used,they may help improve symptoms locally and are not believed to enter the blood stream.

The pelvic region houses a matrix of nerves that travel to the legs, up the spine, and reaches the colon which contains cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). Administration of CBD through suppositories may activate the cannabinoid receptors, which could be beneficial for local conditions.

Even if only affective locally rather than systematically, suppositories may offer an alternative to those suffering from conditions that render them unable to ingest CBD orally.

Our AHS 100mg CBD suppositories may help alleviate symptoms of different rectal and vaginal conditions including, different types of cancers. Always consult your primary care physician before starting a new treatment.

Our team of specialists are always available to provide you with education and assist you with any questions regarding CBD.