CBD has a high demand in today’s society. It’s known for having many health benefits. When talking about CBD we remember it as the pain, anxiety and inflammation relieving agent. Although CBD is mainly used to help alleviate certain symptoms, we don’t realize that CBD helps in other ways as well. Let’s start by explaining exactly what bioaccumulation means. Bioaccumulation is the accumulation of a substance, such as a toxic chemical, in various tissues of a living organism. Bioaccumulation takes place within an organism when the rate of intake of a substance is greater than the rate of excretion or metabolic transformation of that substance.

Now the main question is, how CBD is a bioaccumulator? Researchers identified the genes in hemp behind its bioaccumulative properties, followed shortly by developing special breeds of hemp specifically for the purpose of removing harmful toxins from growing conditions. Hemp collects and stores toxins, however that part of the plant isn’t suitable for edible products like CBD. It is used for making other products such as hemp rope, plastics and hempcrete. Farmers sometimes place these plants in their polluted soil to draw out any toxins that are present. Ultimately, CBD has so many benefits not only for us humans but for our environment as well. At AHS our goal is not only to help people find relief but also to help educate and inform.