About 30 percent of all women get fibroids by age 35 and almost 80 percent of women will have fibroids by age 50. Women of color are more likely to have them, and to get them at a younger age.

The cause of fibroids is unknown and about 40 percent of fibroids will grow during pregnancy, usually within the first three months. Uterine Fibroids are abnormal, but non-cancerous polyps located in the uterus. It is a condition that typically influences women capable of birthing children. Women can develop uterine fibroids of various sizes.

Some fibroids may be tiny and cause no physical deformities while others can become larger and evoke deformation. Abdominal pain, serious menstrual bleeding, and long menstrual cycles may be characteristic symptoms of uterine fibroids. A proper diagnosis would necessitate a pelvic examination or ultrasound. Women may experience a singular occurrence of uterine fibroids or may develop them several times over.

Fortunately, it is comparatively rare for these growths to transform into cancer or advance the risk of uterine cancer. Researchers are investigating the possibility of CBD therapy for sex hormone tumors because of the discovery of cannabinoid receptors inside the tissue of sex steroid hormones. According to published studies, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) restricts the movement and progression of unusual tumors found within sex hormones.

This finding suggests that cannabinoid compounds like CBD may be useful in treating uterine fibroids, malignancies, and other hormone disorders by enhancing the ECS. With the coordination of both sex steroid hormones and endocannabinoids, the research implies the probability of the ECS preventing cellular accumulation and growth inside of tumors.

Our AHS 1500mg Tincture can be taken sublingually a long with our AHS 100mg Suppositories that can be inserted vaginally to help alleviate the symptoms of uterine fibroids.

Always consult your primary care physician before starting a new treatment.

Our team of specialists are always available to provide you with education and assist you with any questions you may have regarding CBD.